DiatomPure® Human Food Grade 2.5kg Diatomaceous Earth

2.5kg of DiatomPure® Human Food Grade in a sealed tub.

DiatomPure® Human Codex Grade is made using the finest Diatomaceous Earth, well known for its high ‘silicia’ content, it plays a significant role in our bodily functions. Our Diatomaceous Earth is Food Grade obtained from the purest fresh water it is organic and eco-friendly.


  • Certified for use in Organic Systems
  • Safest source of Diatomaceous Earth
  • Nil Arsenic
  • Nil Lead


Known worldwide for its extremely pure quality, our "Food Grade" Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is an eco-friendly naturally organic material from the purest fresh water source. Diatomaceous Earth is the fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by one-celled plants called Diatoms. Not all deposits of diatomaceous earth or the diatoms present in those deposits are the same.

The shape of the diatom must be tubular with holes on the walls. It is important to have a consistent shape diatom without any unwanted sediment and it must be fresh water because the diatoms form a harder shell and less fragile than those in salt water. Salt-water deposits contain a mix of diatom species. These deposits shapes and sediments are inconsistent, making them unusable for our products.

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is the remains of microscopic, one-celled plant (phytoplankton) called diatoms that lived in the oceans and lakes that once covered large parts of the world. These deposits are mined from underwater freshwater beds or from ancient dried lake bottoms. 

Only a few Diatomaceous Earth deposits are "food grade". Other food grade deposits may contain higher amounts of sediment and clay that make them less effective. After intensively analyzing many other "Food Grade" deposits we have worked alongside UK food safety officers to ensure are satisfied that our Diatomaceous Earth is the purest form of Diatomaceous Earth.




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